About this product
How does it work?
The Ubie is a remarkable safer smoking method, it's portable and the best vaporizer uses heat and does not burn your vaping material. Because hot air will release organic aromas, this product acts as a decanter which removes flavors without burning. The result is more flavor and less smoke for the smoker. If you smoke, please buy the Ubie.
The Ubie operates easily. Warm air above the flame (which is CO2 and H2O) is drawn through the tip and through the tobacco. The flow of warmth through the diffusion tip automatically prevents burning.
Flame should not touch the device or it becomes interrupted and will deposit black carbon on the glass. A butane flame is preferred because it is simple and efficient. And it burns more cleanly than a candle or match. In use the forward part naturally becomes hot and should be allowed to cool before reuse. If overheated the device can begin to produce smoke. If burning or smoke or any throat sensation is produced the smoker has over exhausted the flavors and should stop. Material should also be kept to the rear as shown.
Are there other products which do the same thing?
While there are many "vaporizing" products on the market, this product is intended to be simple and convenient in the hope that more smokers will take advantage of this breakthrough technology.
Is this safer than smoking?
It is believed to be significantly less damaging to the body than traditional smoking. But there is no guarantee smoking will be completely safe even if combustion byproducts are eliminated.
Does this product promote smoking?
This product promotes health awareness and offers a heathier choice for smokers. It's makes smoking safer for smokers and those around them.
Buying the UbieWe take orders through 'Paypal'.
A 5$ shipping charge is added automatically.
Please allow 7 to 10 days for shipping by regular mail, though most orders arrive faster.
Happy shopping!
Buy the Ubie Now! -- $15 --> (2-3 day) U.S. mail & International
Get a Twin Pack ! -- $20 --> (2-3 day) U.S. mail & International
Get a Six Pack ! -- $55 -->(2-3 day) U.S. mail & International
Wholesale Orders:
25-Pack -- $190 Insured U.S. Priority mail International
100-Pack -- $650 Insured U.S. Priority mail Internationmal (now owned by Ebay) is a fast, free, secure payment processor with triple safeguards: full encryption, physical card verification and a Buying password which you can use for future purchases. They call your first purchase a "sign-up" but it's just the usual info and your password. They will charge your card $1.95 to signup but then they credit your account with 1.95. So it's FREE! It's popular on Ebay and I like it! They let you pay bills and transfer money. They also take checks! You don't have to send checks you can enter them on-line! So don't be put off by the word "sign-up. .
Mail orders:
Make cheques, money orders or cash payable to:
Box 27068
Market Square Station
Philadelphia , P A 19118
We are happy to receive your questions and comments at: AmericanSmokeless.Com